Friday, November 18, 2011

Nice To Know You Week #6

Posted by Mommy Gagay at 7:20 PM
This is my very first time to join this Nice To Know You weekly meme hosted by Mommy Vix of Mum-Writes.

1. Post your favorite photo. Why is it your favorite?

I know I didn't follow instruction. It says place the fave photo but since I have a lot of fave photo, I just opt to show the banner header of this blog of mine which showcases the images that I really love. Emoticon

2. What was your last Tweet about?

I don't actually tweet updates. Most of my tweets are auto-syndicated from my blogs.

3. How many blogs do you own? How do you manage to maintain them all?

I have more than 10 (ten) blogs now. For me not to get my blogs outdated, I usually prepare my scheduled posts for the following week every Friday night.

4. What was the last thing you received in the mail? You can post a photo, if desired.

Haha! The most recent one, as of this time, is the article I have requested from Mommy Pinx to GW for me.

5. Who sent you the very first message on your inbox?

Mobile phone? Email? LOL! In the former, it was just a reminder from Android apps while in the latter, it was about my blog post entry that is expiring. LOL!

This meme made me laugh while completing this. I really enjoy it.

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